The Purpose of Payment Gateway

When consumers come across references to payment gateways, they often wonder why they are needed. And some business owners who already use payment gateway services are perplexed by the situation. What is a payment gateway, and why is it important for businesses that want to offer their customers a secure method of online credit card…

BOTS are the future

And the future is here… To begin with, what is a BOT? To simply put it, BOTS are computer programs that can automate tasks for you. Mostly it is observed in conversation platforms where BOTS can chat with users. The complex BOTS that operate via AI help in personalizing responses and improve one to one…

The importance of UX/UI design

UX & UI the two most heard terms in web designing but mostly not well understood. The two terms are mostly used together, however they both are individual and separate web/application design. And both are equally important. They are the reason behind people’s favorite apps or websites that are preferred over other websites or apps.…